Do I need a referral ?


Kantoko ADHD provides specialist ADHD Diagnosis and Management for patients in NSW, VIC, QLD, TAS, and SA (limited availability). We're exclusively Telehealth. Our Psychiatrists & Clinicians are highly experienced in ADHD.

Who should I address the referral to?

Address referrals to "Dear Psychiatrist". Named referral is not required.

Our Address:

Suite 180, 274 Forest Rd

Hurstville NSW 2220


(02) 7208 9200


(02) 8528 9234

Tests prior to an appointment:

 Blood Pressure

✅ Pulse

✅ Weight


 Bloods - FBC, EUC, LFT, TFT, B12/Folate, Iron.

Inclusion of the results from these tests will help us prioritise your appointment and reduce waiting times.

Recent ECG & Bloods: if you have done any of these in the last 3 months and can send through, there is no need to repeat.

We will require ECG & Bloods to be completed prior to the initial appointment or within the first 4 weeks.

Please see Gp information sheet at

Why We Require Routine Tests in Our Psychiatry Clinic

To ensure the safety and well-being of our patients, we require the following tests as part of our routine care. These tests allow us to monitor health factors that could be impacted by psychiatric treatment and medications.

1. ECG (Electrocardiogram)

Some psychiatric medications, such as antipsychotics and certain antidepressants, can affect heart rhythm and function. An ECG helps us monitor your heart’s health and detect any potential cardiovascular risks before and during your treatment. This test ensures that your medication is safe to continue.

2. Blood Pressure (BP)

Psychiatric medications can cause changes in blood pressure, leading to either high (hypertension) or low (hypotension) blood pressure. Regular BP monitoring helps us manage these risks and adjust treatment as needed to prevent complications.

3. Weight

Weight changes are a common side effect of many psychiatric medications, particularly antipsychotics. By tracking your weight, we can identify any significant changes that may require adjustments to your medication or additional care for conditions like metabolic syndrome.

4. Pulse

Monitoring your pulse helps us detect irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias) that could be induced by psychiatric medications. Regular pulse checks allow us to manage cardiac risks effectively.

5. Blood Tests (FBC, EUC, LFT, TFT, B12/Folate, Iron)

A blood test for these markers helps us detect underlying health issues, such as anemia or infections, that could affect your treatment. It also monitors for any side effects of medications that may impact your blood count.

Why These Tests Matter:

These tests are essential for ensuring your psychiatric treatment is both safe and effective. Regular monitoring allows us to tailor your care to your needs, minimize risks, and ensure the best possible outcomes for your mental and physical health.

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