Can i use NDIS to cover Psychiatry - No

NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) and Psychiatry 

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia provides funding for individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. While it does offer support for those with mental health conditions, there are specific reasons why NDIS cannot be used for direct psychiatric treatment: 

  • Eligibility Criteria: The NDIS primarily funds services for those with a 'psychosocial disability' stemming from a mental health condition. Psychiatric treatment, which includes diagnosis and ongoing medical management, is generally seen as part of the healthcare system rather than a disability support service. Thus, psychiatric services such as consultations with a psychiatrist would not be covered by the NDIS. 
  • Overlap with Medicare: NDIS does not fund medical services available under Medicare. Psychiatric consultations and treatments are generally covered by Medicare, not the NDIS.
  •  Focus on Long-Term Support: NDIS focuses on long-term support rather than short-term therapeutic interventions, which psychiatric services often involve. 

In summary, while NDIS can fund supports related to psychosocial disabilities arising from psychiatric conditions, it cannot fund direct psychiatric treatment because this is viewed as a healthcare responsibility covered by Medicare. 


NDIS focuses on long-term disability support and cannot cover psychiatric services, as these are viewed as healthcare interventions covered by Medicare. 


NDIS and mental health: https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/how-ndis-works/mental-health-and-ndis 

Understanding the difference between NDIS and Medicare: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-guidance-for-organisations/health-service-providers-and-the-privacy-act 

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